Study in Korea



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University, foundation, and corporate scholarships

Numerous universities, foundations, and corporations in South Korea operate various scholarship programs for foreign students.

Most universities in South Korea offer scholarships ranging from 30% to 100% based on the academic performance of foreign students. Detailed information on these scholarships can be found on the websites of the respective universities or foundations.

⊙Example cases of scholarship aid provided by universities to foreign students.

University A (private, located in the Seoul metropolitan area)

Target Scholarship amount Qualifications
Undergraduate school At least 30% of tuition Outstanding academic performers
Regular graduate school 100% of tuition Outstanding academic performers among those recommended by the department
80% of tuition Those recommended by the department
International graduate school 100% of tuition and dorm room provided Outstanding academic performers among those recommended by the department
80% of tuition Top academic performers
50% of tuition Top academic performers

University B (private, located outside of the Seoul metropolitan area)

Target Scholarship amount Qualifications
Target At least 50% of tuition Outstanding academic performers
30%~70% of tuition, depending on the academic grade in the previous semester Outstanding academic performers
Graduate school 100% of tuition Those recognized by the faculty of foreign universities, national research institutes, research centers, or their academic department as outstanding academic performers.
80% of tuition Those recommended by the department
50% of tuition (entrance fee not included) Top academic performers

※ The information above is just an example. Scholarship programs vary by university, so prospective applicants should send inquiries to the universities they are interested in.

⊙University Scholarship

  • 지원대상 : 전세계 OECD DAC 수원국 우수 예술 인재 (140개 국가)
    지원분야 : 예술분야 (음악, 무용, 미술, 영상, 연극, 한국전통예술)
    지원과정 : 학부 및 대학원
    지원내용 : 대학등록금, 생활비 월80만원, 항공료, 건강보험, 입학전 한국어연수 등
    선발인원 : 00명
    원서접수시기 : 3월
    추진기관 : 한국예술종합학교 (Tel. +82-2-746-9076,
    웹사이트 :

⊙Foundation Scholarship

  • Talents targeted : Citizens of an Asian country who are seeking to enroll in a master's degree/PhD awarding program for the upcoming academic year
    Supported areas : All areas of study (MBA excluded)
    Supported benefits : Tuition, living expenses, settlement allowance, scholarships for skilled Korean speakers, etc.
    Number of scholarship awardees : 50persons
    Selection period : May
    Inquiries :
  • Supported areas : Master’s or PhD students from 30 countries across the world whose major is Korean studies
    Support period : 1 year
    Supported benefits : Tuition (The amount of tuition aid varies depending on the tuition fees and cost of living by region and country.)
    Number of awardees : 150 persons per year from across the world
    Inquiries : +82-2-2046-8562 / email:
  • Talents targeted : Foreign students enrolled in an undergraduate school or a graduate school in South Korea
    Supported benefits : Scholarship aid of 500,000 won per month, internship opportunities, job-seeking class, personal skill enhancement training, job opportunities, etc.
    Selection criteria :
    1. 1) Ability to explain one's career goals or give a personal introduction in a logical/detailed manner (Korean or English, whichever the candidate prefers)
    2. 2) Desire to seek employment or settle in South Korea
    3. 3) Sufficient understanding of Korean culture that could ease the transition to Korean corporate culture or personal disposition that suits Korean culture
    Selection period : Rolling basis
    Number of scholarship awardees : 00 persons
    Inquiries : KakaoTalk inquiries - Daewoong Scholarship

⊙Corporate scholarship

Corporate scholarship
Major corporations and foundations Website
Busan Global City Foundation
Samsung Dream Scholarship Foundation
Pencil Scholarship Foundation
HansaeYes24 Foundation