Study in Korea



  • Scholarship
  • GKS Government Scholarship
  • Global Korea Scholarship

GKS Program

We aim to promote international educational exchanges and goodwill between countries by offering foreign students opportunities to study in Korean institutes of higher education.

    1. 1) Undergraduate program
      - Bachelor's degree and associate degree programs offered at domestic universities
      Associate degrees (vocational degree) that take more than 3 years to obtain are excluded
    2. 2) Graduate program
      - Master's programs and doctoral programs offered at domestic graduate schools
      Prospective students wishing to earn a graduate degree at a vocational school will be sponsored only when the school provides more than 10 million won per year in scholarship money to the student.
    3. 3) Research program
      - For students seeking to conduct research through exchange professorships and post doc programs in domestic research institutions (including universities).
  • Undergraduate program: 200~500 students, graduate program: 1,000~2,000 students (may change depending on the budget)
  • Selection process
    Category Undergraduate school Graduate School
    Call for applications and acceptance of applications September of the year preceding the admission year Every February
    1st Round of Selection (Korean embassies, universities) October~November of the year preceding the admission year Every March
    2nd Round of Selection (NIIED) November of the year preceding the admission year Every April
    3rd Round of Selection (Universities)
    ※ Applies only to applicants from the embassy track.
    December of the year preceding the admission year Every May
    Announcement of final group of scholarship winners (NIIED). Every January Every June
    Scholarship recipients arrive in Korea. Every February Every end of August
  • Scholarship support details
    Category Payment amount
    Round-trip Airfare Actual expenses
    Language Training Fee 1.3 million won (quarterly)
    Tuition Tuition
    Study Incentive - Undergraduate students (Korean language program) 12.8 million won per annum
    Study Incentive - Undergraduate students (Degree-earning program) 13.6 million won per annum
    Study Incentive - Graduate school (Korean language program) 14.1 million won per annum
    Study Incentive - Graduate school (Degree-earning program) 15,7 million won per annum
    Study Incentive - Research Program 19,8 million won per annum
    1. 1) Undergraduate program
      - Applicants must be under 25 years of age (as of March 1 of the selection year).
      - Applicants must have completed (or are scheduled to complete) elementary, middle, and high schools as of March 1 of the selection year.
    2. 2) Graduate program
      - Applicants who are expected to obtain a Bachelor's or Master's degree by July 31st of the admission year
      - Applicants who shall obtain an undergraduate degree or a master's degree as of February 28 of the selection year.
      - Academic professors in one of the Official Development Assistance (ODA) recipient countries who are under 45 years of age (as of September 1 of the selection year) are eligible to apply.
    3. 3) Common
      - Applicants and their parents must hold citizenship from a country other than Korea.
      Applicants who are dual citizenship holders (having both Korean citizenship and citizenship of another country) are not eligible to apply.
      - All applicants must be in good mental and physical health to study in Korea for an extended period of time.
      - Applicants are required to have maintained a minimum grade point average (GPA) of 80% on a 100-point scale throughout all academic years at the highest level of education completed.
      - Applicants who are enrolled in or who graduated from an undergraduate program or a graduate program in Korea are not eligible to apply.
    • Undergraduate schools and graduate schools: Applications must be submitted at the Korean embassy in the country of residence or the university of choice in Korea.
    • Research: Applications must be submitted at the university of choice in Korea.

Additional Information

  • Contact Information :
    ※ For more information, please check the application guidelines and postings posted on the GKS notice.
Last modified : 2024-02-20